Kjell, SM7GVF (ex SM4GVF)
Here I show some pictures from when I put up my tower in 2006.
We drilled 1 m deep holes in the rock for the tower, on July 12,
2006. My friend SM7EKU at the drill below.

On July 24 we put up the tower. In the fore ground we see the
MHz antenna frame with the rotator. I will also put up 50 MHz, 432
and 1296 MHz in this frame.

I had to remove one plum tree to get access for the truck. It is a
narrow passage..

Here is the tower standing, concrete is next to be filled in

I am working on the 144 MHz array, August 14

On September 8, the array is at the tower top!
I will put up 6m, 70cm and 23 cm antennas soon

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