Kjell, SM7GVF (ex SM4GVF)

Propagation openings worked from JO77GA.
All maps, unless otherwise noted, show my own QSOs.
You also find some sound files, either recorded by myself or received from others.
QTH is at 200 m asl, antenna is at 23 m agl.

2009-09-26 to 27
Good tropo in a narrow corridor to G and F. The beacon FX3THF (IN88GS, 1512 km)
was audible long times.

Tropo to England, September 16 through 18.

Es on 144 MHz, at last!
2009/06/24 15:02 F6AQI IN96DW 59 59 SSB ES 1572
2009/06/24 15:02 EA1CRK IN73DM 59 55 SSB ES 2063
2009/06/24 15:04 F1DUZ IN97NJ 59 59 SSB ES 1493
2009/06/24 15:10 EB1YL IN73EM 59 59 SSB ES 2060
2009/06/24 15:17 F5VHX JN04FT 559 559 CW ES 1671
2009/06/24 15:22 F5YS JN04 55 59 SSB ES 1676+-
2009/06/24 15:23 F6IQK JN04IU 59 59 SSB ES 1657

Caribbean and South America (8R1) worked on 6 m.

Es to Japan on 6m and also TN5SN.


The last opening for the year, in the early evening of December 31.

GW8IZR, 1267 km, the longest distance worked.

My best Tropo ever on 144 MHz with over 2300  km worked over land, see further down 2008-11-03 extreme tropo.

Still tropo. RA3LE on 432 MHz with my 30 W and 2 m antenna...
And some more on 144 MHz. Good tropo for the NAC.

2008-11-03  Extremely good tropo!

I work 144 MHz with 8x8 el, 1 kW and MGF1302 LNA.
We had foggy weather, with ice forming of the antenna when temperature went below 0 C, as it did.

Over 2300 km worked over land.
About 123 QSOs worked.

Worked QSOs:
RA6HHT outside of map.

Sound files of some QSOs below (mp3).
(Loading may take a while over my ADSL)

No one to work? Listen for a beacon:
RN6MT, KN97LN(?), 1954 km beacon 144.3448 MHz 20081104 at 0124 UTC
Heard all night 3-4 November 2008.

Some of the QSOs:

My best tropo DX

RA6HHT, LN04WX, 2315 km, 20081103 2222

RK6CG, LN05AU, 2144 km, 20081103 2049

RA6DA, KN96SA, 2104  km, first CW at 20081103 1649

RA6DA 1808 SSB

RK6MC, KN97LA, 1995  km 20081103-1824 CW

UR5MID, KN98OO, 1894km  2008-11-03 1729 CW

UX7LT, KN89TR, 1726 km,  2008-11-03-1619 CW

UA3WM, 1429 km  CQ at 1340

RA3WDK, 1513 km, CQ at 1348

QSO:s Over 1500 km: (wrong distance from log book, spherical earth?).
Sorted by distance.
2008/11/03 22:22 RA6HHT LN04WX CW 2309
2008/11/03 20:49 RK6CG LN05AU CW 2139
2008/11/04 04:04 RA6DA KN96SA CW 2098
2008/11/03 18:04 RA6DA KN96SA SSB 2098
2008/11/03 16:49 RA6DA KN96SA CW 2098
2008/11/03 18:24 RK6MC KN97LA CW 1989
2008/11/03 20:44 RU6DZ KN96DQ CW 1978
2008/11/03 20:09 UT1IG KN87WA CW 1930
2008/11/03 20:05 US1IW KN87VA CW 1925
2008/11/03 20:50 UT8IO KN87UB CW 1917
2008/11/03 17:59 US8IPB KN87SC CW 1905
2008/11/03 17:29 UR5MID KN98OO SSB 1888
2008/11/03 17:03 UR5MID KN98OO CW 1888
2008/11/03 20:46 UT1IC KN87VU CW 1862
2008/11/03 19:07 UR5EFB KN87VU CW 1862
2008/11/03 23:00 UT7IL KN87VX SSB 1853
2008/11/03 18:10 UT7IL KN87VX SSB 1853
2008/11/03 17:55 UT7IL KN87VX CW 1853
2008/11/03 20:31 US5IGL

2008/11/03 19:21 US5IGL

2008/11/03 20:12 UT5ID KN87UX CW 1848
2008/11/03 19:18 UY2IJ KN87 CW 1846+-
2008/11/03 19:05 UT2IF KN87 CW 1846+-
2008/11/03 20:14 UR7IM KN88SR CW 1785
2008/11/03 16:19 UX7LT KN89TR CW 1720
2008/11/03 17:48 US5LKW KN89KL SSB 1694
2008/11/03 18:18 UR5EFX KN78OL CW 1673
2008/11/03 17:05 UT7EQ KN78NK CW 1672
2008/11/03 17:11 US5EII KN78JK CW 1654
2008/11/03 22:47 UT5EZ KN78GM SSB 1634
2008/11/04 04:35 UR4LQ KO80BC SSB
2008/11/04 04:01 UR4LQ KO80BC CW 1609
2008/11/03 20:10 UR4LQ KO80BC CW 1609
2008/11/04 04:38 UR5LX KO70WK SSB 1573
2008/11/03 15:14 UR5LX KO70WK CW 1573
2008/11/03 11:48 UR5LX KO70WK CW 1573
2008/11/03 09:50 UR5LX KO70WK CW 1573
2008/11/04 04:37 UX7HO KN79GN SSB 1558
2008/11/03 21:00 UT3HG KN79GN CW 1558
2008/11/03 19:23 UX7HO KN79GN SSB 1558
2008/11/03 19:27 UR0HQ KN79GO SSB 1555
2008/11/04 18:34 RA3WDK KO81BR CW 1508
2008/11/04 05:22 RA3WDK KO81BR CW 1508
2008/11/03 21:28 RA3WDK KO81BR CW 1508
2008/11/03 08:22 RA3WDK KO81BR CW 1508
2008/11/03 07:01 RA3WDK KO81BR CW 1508

Satellite 1900 2008-11-03

This map is not acurate, the front is a bit too much south here.

Hepburns tropo forecast.

The cluster at 1929 UTC

This evening I operated on 144 MHz, not much activity, but I heard F5XAR, IN87KW, 1560 km, the transatlantic beacon.
Sound file here: F5XAR 2008-10-25 at 2236 it was much stronger just 30 minutes earlier.

Tropo east, 144 MHz, in the evening. Maybe next morning?
2008/10/08 19:38 RA3LBK          KO64PW  539      579      CW    1185 km
Not much activity though.

Tropo, I only had 144 MHz at this event. Antenna is 8x8 elements.

ODX was G4RRA, IO80BS, 1386 km.
G4DEZ, JO03AE,  was very strong, at 2214 he was at -75 dBm here.

This is what was spotted on the DX-Cluster:

Sporadic E on 144 MHz
2008/06/26 07:56 LZ1KG KN31CS 59 59 SSB 1888 km

2008/06/26 07:37 YO9CFV KN34FX 59 59 SSB 1572 km

2008/06/26 07:27 TA1D KN41LB 55 57 SSB 2052 km

Sound (VAW)
TA1D at a strong period (a few minutes after our QSO)

I have a 9 elements yagi at 24 m now.

Sporadic E on 144 MHz
2008/06/25 16:42 I8MPO JN70FP 59 59 SSB 1820 km
2008/06/25 16:39 UU5AI KN65TD 59 59 SSB 1864 km
2008/06/25 16:34 UT5JCW KN64SN 59 59 SSB 1911 km

We have had the meteor shower Quadrantids, that peaked in the moring hours of January 4. I was having a 9 hour power outage during the peak, but still worked some good DX. I tried with RV6YY to extend my current ODX from 2119 km to 2267, but we did not make it (I lost 230 VAC at the first schedule).
QSO:s (all FSK441):
2008/01/05 23:22 I3VWK JN55VR 1269 km
2008/01/05 22:54 IK0BZY JN61GW 1683
2008/01/05 11:10 OH6NVQ KP13IQ 865
2008/01/05 04:54 UY5UG KO50FI 1278
2008/01/04 19:15 UA3PC KO84TF 1474
2008/01/04 18:55 UT2UB KO40QI 1222
2008/01/04 18:42 RA3WDK KO81BR 1508
2008/01/04 17:35 IK0BZY JN61GW 1683
2008/01/04 17:04 F6CBH JN19BH 1188
2008/01/04 16:38 F6BEG JN25JS 1418
2008/01/04 16:22 F1FLA JN26KU 1307
2008/01/04 13:25 I5TWK/8 JN70FS 1806
2008/01/04 13:02 UA3RAW LO02RR 1773
2008/01/04 11:05 DK1VI JN49HH 942
2008/01/04 10:51 F5VHX JN04FT 1671
2008/01/04 10:38 F8DO JN26IF 1375
2008/01/04 10:23 S54T JN75EW 1232
Power lost during the night

2008/01/03 23:32 RK6LXN KN97LE 1977
2008/01/03 23:22 US2YW KN28XG 1237
2008/01/03 21:50 RA1OFH LP31HG 1868
2008/01/03 20:30 EI2IP IO61CX 1538
2008/01/03 11:55 MJ/F5CWU IN89VE 1411
2008/01/03 08:22 OH8MGK KP23PQ 945
2008/01/02 23:49 YU3LT KN05HP 1332
2008/01/02 20:22 RV3IG KO87OT 1353
2008/01/02 18:52 UA3WM KO72QI 1429
2008/01/02 18:16 UY0UP KO50FJ 1275
2008/01/02 12:55 F6APE IN97QI 1485
2008/01/02 12:25 YU7AA JN95NS 1290
2008/01/02 12:18 YU1EV KN04CN 1440
2008/01/02 11:56 UA3DUY KO86NS 1365
2008/01/02 11:05 UT8AL KO61WP 1382

Map of worked stations:

See also my best DX worked list

Openings 2007 and older here

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